Thursday 28 March 2013

Tanzanian Famous Liquour - Konyagi

 It looked like water, so still, calm and transparent clear but i wasn't fooled, I knew it was nothing like it, there were something majestic about it, in that Tanzania distillers re-brand bottle and the stating of its delightfully unsuspecting label "Tears of the Lion" not Gin, not beer, just pure liquor, I couldn't resist to try one of the Tanzanian best, Konyagi.

The first hit is always the strongest, it doesn't have a killer burn and its not bitter but most of us like to mix it with some strawberry juice, soda especially Sprite or Pepsi, or straight with lime or ice. Even with a mix, having an alcohol volume of 35%. Your way more fun a few minutes later when you are telling your most embarrassing childhood stories, or confessing your undying love to your boss, when the energy starts to flow all over your body with an amazing warmth that makes you crave for more.

Konyagi is unique, its a smooth exotic metal spirit made from sugarcane [molasses] thus the smoothness. The flat-bottled style of package has given it a famous name of "bapa" in Tanzania. Since 1970 its been used in Tanzania and now its enjoyed in more countries, like UK, Australia, Paris- France, East Africa and USA. Its packed in bottles and/or sachets of 100 ml, 12 in a box, never a load to carry. it can be ordered online and straight delivered in many countries and regions of Tanzania through    DHL. its liquor is really Tanzanian, get a taste of it.                                    

Check out more info                                                                      Konyagi sachets                                                                             

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